Once Upon A Time...
There was a young lady by the name of Tommi who started Tommi’s Tales at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. She began Tommi's Tales so that children could hear an award-winning story from someone who cared whether or not they listened to a great bedtime story. Tommi learned about the achievement gap through her mother: a longtime public school teacher and decided to help children in need. She tested Tommi’s Tales out on her little cousin when she read her a couple of Back To School stories when she began kindergarten in 2019.
Tommi’s Tales is to simply promote literacy in younger children because children who are readers grow into adults who are thinkers! Tommi wants to help change the world by creating better people with her positive messages and challenges others to do the same.
Tommi wants literacy to become contagious. She wants to distribute t-shirts, books and memorabilia to each of her subscribers. Besides influencing children to read more, Tommi also wants to connect to organizations, sponsors and schools who would like to contribute to her cause…
“Because every little person deserves a great bedtime story”
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